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"Separation(分离症)" is an original novel by Zhiyu Morrow's project. The novel incorporates the worldview of all the characters in Zhiyu Morrow's project,Including the linkage character Yuezheng Xuanqing(乐正玄青). Brings readers into the novel from a first-person perspective.
In AI Zhiyu Morrow's "story line" gameplay, many clues exist in the novel.
The writer is Qianluo.
The cover artist is Chuan Wei Yi De Tuo Xie(穿卫衣的拖鞋)

Work of Project: About Me


A chat AI

AI Zhiyu Morrow is an artificial mental retardation created by a computer college student "aiqi_艾祈 (actually cn is Qichen(祈尘))". AI Zhiyu Morrow is active in QQ, similar to a chat software. AI Zhiyu Morrow has the world view of "Zhiyu Morrow", but AI Zhiyu Morrow's speech does not completely represent the speech of "Zhiyu Morrow".
programmer: Aiqi_艾祈

Work of Project: About Me
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